Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Good News...

I was asked to interview for another position within the company today. Nothing is for sure, that is why I'm not making too big a deal of it at this point. I interview on Thursday for the Baseball Recruiting Coach position which has just recently opened up. There are two others in the baseball department with the same position. I am excited about this possible promotion but am not getting my hopes up too much. Better that way than being disappointed right?
Just thought I would let you all know, "because I probably wont call you to tell you about [it]."


Jana said...

How exciting! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I mean, not really or anything. Metaphorically.

jeff said...

Nice! What would it mean? What wd you be doing differently? Etc.!

momdadtig said...

you have what it takes !!!

momdadtig said...

Cooooool.........you have a great attitude about it. I'll add this to my prayer list.