Monday, September 3, 2007

First official "blog"

I regret to announce that I am an official blogger. Thought this day would never come. I will do my best to update as much as possible but I cannot guarantee anything. I will try to make my grammar and punctuation perfect, but in attempt to cut time and put as much on the "blog" as possible, I may turn to stream-of-consciousness.

The above photo was the best one I could find online that would do justice to the new view at our temporary studio apartment. If you are not familiar with my ridiculous situation I will let you know. In one months time I will have lived in 3 different locations. My first two weeks; in Tom's old apartment. The next two weeks (starting today); in Brian Peters' studio apartment on the south side. The beginning of the fifth week; the final destination of 3009 N. Halsted in Lincoln Park (about a block from "boys town").

It was good being back this weekend to see family and my wonderful fiance who reminds me how much I am in love with her every time I see her. Tom and I are watching Stranger than Fiction and I am starting to feel tired. Gotta rest up for a short work week.



jeff said...

Sweet! That is, that you're living where you are, doing what you're doing, and writing about it (I refuse to call it 'blogging'). A post like that deserves comments, so I took the liberty to be the first. Hope it's okay.

Jeff, brother

Lori Insley said...

What happened to the WhiteCaps job??

Cousin Lori