Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The new Apt.,etc.

Well, once again the past few days have been crazy. I still feel like I have not fully adjusted. Tom and I spent the whole day sunday getting into our new place. Big kudos to Mrs. Bratt and Jenny Bratt. The two of them made the trip down here to help us move. They got here at about noon, worked there butts off, and left at about 1o pm. Tom and I would have been a mess without them.
The new place is great. I really couldn't have asked for anything more. I hadn't seen the place because Tom found it when I was back in Michigan. I trusted his judgment and it definitely paid off. I have my bedroom pretty much unpacked but not fully and it still feels pretty weird that I will be living here for the next year.
Oh yeah, I should probably blog about what happened to me yesterday. I locked my keys in my car. My keys and I are not agreeing right now. My buddy Matt Wiersma and I had planned on hanging out but we spent most of the evening with wires trying to get my car open. We failed. miserably. Eventually I shelled out 85 dollars to have some punk come and get them in about 2 minutes with a tool that costs about 40 bucks.
I have found that living in the city is absolutely nothing like living in Grand Rapids. The cost of living (more than just housing costs) is ridiculous and takes getting used to. You end up spending money on things you never could have imagined spending money on back home. Anyone want to buy a 1996 Green Ford Taurus?

1 comment:

Jana said...

Selling the car, eh? So, you're willing to give public transportation another try?

PS, Charlotte says Unkamark now.